Sunday, August 31, 2008

Why I will be the next President of the United States

It all started with a joke e-mail from a friend. It was a cleverly done 'news clip' claiming that my friend was a huge candidate for President even though nobody had ever seen him. I thought it was fun so I did a similar one and sent it to a bunch of my friends. Nice harmless joke ... but then I got thinking; why not start my own campaign for President? It should be a bit of a lark and would certainly give me a chance to air my political views.

So, here we are the start of my campaign for President. First let me say that I'm humbled that anybody will take the time read my thoughts. Its a great honor to be allowed to run this race. I will be spelling out my ideas over the coming two months as well commenting upon those of my opponents. Hopefully you will agree with my views and vote me in on a landslide.

My next post will be about choosing my running mate. Watch for it!